Thursday, April 9, 2009

Both views were taken in the morning.....

in the morning, b4 going to skul. my mom was waiting for my bro, so instead of standing there doing ntg, i went out to take in some fresh air. and i saw this view....i amazed by the view..reali!!! so i ran to my room, took my hp and snapped this. great rite?? any comments?? just leave without any hesitation ok?? i wan to noe wat is ur heart telling....plz!!!

"Menara Condong Teluk Intan" ever1 noes dat......and for ur kind information, for us(those who lives in TI) dun find it intersting. Just like those who live in KL don't find KL Tower interesting. Two examples carrying the same meaning.....hehe. but this view is nice, took it when i'm having my breakfast with my grandma and my mom. mayb u guys out there will feel abit annoyed, but i am just sharing wat i saw in this world..........we are not going to live for 1000 years rite?? so just be content in wat we have and njoy with it.......!!!!! am i rite??

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