Wednesday, April 22, 2009

this vid shows how an indonesia maid abuse the child.....the child is oni around 2-4 years old..can u see how she stepped on her?? i got dis video in my hp...and i showed to every1 who i care....and after they watched dis vid, their expression were like******* and the entire bad words in the planet came out from their mouth.....

the child's parents started to smelt a rat when they saw loads of wound on her child's, they place the CCTV in a hidden place and this is wat they saw....they reported to the police....but b4 they send the indon to the police.....they canned her until she you agree in wat they did to her?? or u have a better idea?? leave comments....

yes, i agree that indonesian can really do works, but it is dangerous in letting them to take care of ur children....they didn't give birth to ur children...they dunno the love....they DON'T even have the love aniway....

i asked my aunt....y does this kind of cases happen??she answered me viciously, :"of course la..!!! one person doing the entire chores in the u wan the indon to be in a calm and good mood always??" wat she said is a very true fact......

so dun trust ALL those indonesian and bangladesh and any other outsiders.....u can trust just sum of them...SOME of them....!!!! bear in mind plz....

Friday, April 17, 2009


this is an "American got talent" video show...must old lady will be singing, her voice is just OMG...WOW..!!! INCREDIBLE......but she doesn't have gud looks, when she steped on that stage, and the judges asked wat's ur age.....and after she told the judges dat she is already 40+ years old...the audience were like...yyiuu....and when she answered the judges dat her dream is to become a well-known singer....the audience expressions were like vry annoyed...but when she started to sing....her voice was like.....(no words). u watch it urself and u will know....just wanted to deliver this msg to every1 out there, plz 'dun judge the book by its cover'...u dunno the real him or her.....
my mom watched dis video....and she told me dis world, there are two type of ppl..genereally. one is they will judge u by ur outlook...another one, they will judge u by ur character, the way u act.....yes i agree, dat ur outlook is very important...but it doesnt mean dat a beautiful gal is a gal with gud character....rite??? asalkan she is not very ugly mom always tell me dat in this world, there are no ugly women but oni lazy women...and simple is preety...
bear in mind and apply it in ur daily reali works...and as i my skull especially,they like to act like the actor and actress act in the movie......they put dunno hw many inches thick of powder on their face....and walk like a model....hairstyle changes everyday.....gosh...just can't stand looking at it.....I, as a prefect...i have to take action and tell them strictly that they should not do this and dat.....and they will start to give negative responses like...leceh la..all that....haiz....just remember dat u shud blame urself b4 u blame others...
from a topic entitle ' dun judge the book by its cover', to 'beauty' and lastly end up talking about 'blame' and njoy...!!!!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

distinguishes between a bf and a husband

"Distinguishes between a boyfriend and a husband". According to what my english teacher PN. Haliza said....dont' trust a boy or wat ur boyfriend said EASILY... beacause when you are with them...wat u can c is just their positive responses, for example, he will not get angry easily when he is with u. he won't get annoyed, he will be so romantic, he will always care for u...and the list goes on...'How many HOURS do you spend ur time with ur love ones??' do you ever thought of this question ?? and wat ur answer will be?? 6? 3? or 48? its impossible for us to get to noe sum1 in just a short period of time...even though both of u are already coupled for at least 5 or 6 years...there is a story about a couple who have been couple for 6 years but end up divorcing after a year of marriage life. It's becuz when u started to sleep, eat, watch tv, and spend ur life time with this particular person....slowly, his or her weekness or negative responses will clearly be shown. u will be annoyed in wat he or she does...and will have an idea of divorcing..

Teenagers nowadays loves to couple with some1, even at the age of 14 (form 2) !! wat do they noe?? they are still studying..people even make mistakes when choosing his or her life partner at the age of much do they noe at the age of 14?? how much do they noe when they are still merely a student?? is it essential for them to have a boyfren or a galfren besides at a young age?? is it becuz they don't gain enuf love from their parents and need the care or the love from a love partner??? y shud they book the person ahead?? are u sure dat he or she is the right one?? are you sure dat he or she is the one u were looking for?? does his or her character matches u?? do you ever thought dat when u couple with a particular person, and at last when u found out dat dis person doesn't reali suits u and u wan to break up with this person, wat u think this person will feel?? over the moon??do you ever think of these questions?? so y don't just be fren first, study his or her character well, then make ur right decision...don't be hurry in making ur decision....slow and steady can win the race..And lastly....


Thursday, April 9, 2009

MY new outfit!!!

how's my new outfit?? i dun have the dare to wear it to town, so just to make myself happy, i snapped's my combination of the outfit?? just a simple tight siglet, and a jacket, and a mini jeans my mom's room, my moom took it for me. Shit MAN!!! i looked so fat!!! kena diet ni!!! excersies, diet, excersies, diet...!!! will it work?? any1 out there has a better idea to slim down?
plz ignore the toilet and the kitchen.......hehe....!!! no more place to snap, so just took it infront of the toilet.....Oou gosh..!!! look at me......looking sucks...hehe...!!! sumthing wrong with my head....keep showing the same poss or pose...wateva!! not very sure of the least can understand.....hehe....any1 has a better suggestion on how to match this outfit with other clothes?

Both views were taken in the morning.....

in the morning, b4 going to skul. my mom was waiting for my bro, so instead of standing there doing ntg, i went out to take in some fresh air. and i saw this view....i amazed by the view..reali!!! so i ran to my room, took my hp and snapped this. great rite?? any comments?? just leave without any hesitation ok?? i wan to noe wat is ur heart telling....plz!!!

"Menara Condong Teluk Intan" ever1 noes dat......and for ur kind information, for us(those who lives in TI) dun find it intersting. Just like those who live in KL don't find KL Tower interesting. Two examples carrying the same meaning.....hehe. but this view is nice, took it when i'm having my breakfast with my grandma and my mom. mayb u guys out there will feel abit annoyed, but i am just sharing wat i saw in this world..........we are not going to live for 1000 years rite?? so just be content in wat we have and njoy with it.......!!!!! am i rite??

.... my views...Njoy!!!

how u find this? great rite? i snapped this photo on 14th March 2009, morning, i was on the way to one Malay shop which located just a few meters away from my house. And i name dis as " sun in the cloud". My friends were teasing me that, the sun is always in the cloud. For me, i dun think so, if u wan to tease me with some logic statements, please use more logical statement. The sun will never be inside the cloud, whereby the sun is beyond the cloud. Please understand this fact first! Its OK, nvm. i dowan to argue with u guys, i shud be more tolerance and learn how to accept some building advices. am i rite?? or mayb for a positive thinking, it will be because u guys dunno art language. hehe ....wateva!! i would like to improve myself anyway...!! PeACe OuT !! ^^

How bout this combination of colour? cool rite?? snapped it when i was taking my dinner at chinese restaurant behind my house. i never thought that i will find, a view so cool and a view so nice....haha....not bad rite??erm ..?? shud i change my ambition and become a photographer?? hehe...joking...i'm not dat expert in it and i can say dat dis is one of my hobbies.