Monday, July 21, 2014

Hiruscar after few

Hello bello everyone!! Uploading my new pics after few months upon request...hope Hiruscar will impress everyone of u!! currently only four photos available...
Only the reddish parts are my scars...the few black dots are my
this are my left right can see my face are quite clear now although its not as smooth as baby's skin...or normal healthy skin....but it does look so much better than last acne dark marks face.....agree??
Now let me show you the whole face look of me...before using Hiruscar and after using Hiruscar....

after Hiruscar
before Hiruscar


  1. Your skin is amazing compared to before, I'm happy for you. How many tubes Hiruscar you bought so far? And what soap you use?

  2. one month one tube....i've been using this product for almost one year....and it indeed gives me an amazing result Delly.....for the normal facial wash and stuff...i use Hada Labo product as it moisture my skin.......
    i've checked thru net and it says that with moisturized skin, your skin will less likely to produce face oil...and with lesser oil...chances to get clog pores is tremendously reduced....and there will be lesser breakout...
    it is not a necessary thing to us Hada Labo product....u can use any other product that suits you...but for me..i prefer moisturising products that contains hyaluronic it gives me intense moisture.... *wink

  3. Hello,may I know which did you use? The Hiruscar Postacne (Blue and White box) or Hiruscar Gel (Blue and Yellow box)?

    The result is amazing btw

  4. Are your scars mostly new and that's why it worked?

    1. no...when i first use this scars mostly are old...those marks was with me for few years....and it was in dark colour...not reddish...but after i apply this gel for one month and scars starts to turn to pinkish and it starts to fade...have faith! you will have a clear skin soon...

  5. Did you still using Hiruscar Gel when you are having the new acne breakout? Can apply to those new acne breakout?

    1. Hello there, yes, you can still apply Hiruscar gel on your new breakout, and i do apply to my new breakout....but avoid applying the gel on open wounded acne as it may hurt a little and will not help in reducing it because the main function of this gel is to fade off the acne scars and smoothing out the skin...good try! *wink

  6. How to apply hiruscar: before applying toner or after?

  7. Helo. Nak tau camne ngn parut jerawat skrng? And boleh gtau care pemakain hiruscar ni? Sbb baru je beli and memg tulis 2-3 times a day tapi taktau pulak care pemakaian die. Nak terus letak kat muke ke or just sapu kat jari dlu. Btw good for u for getting better skin. From what i can see from ur blog��

    1. now my face is so much better, just because my face still producing acne, i will hardly get a flawless skin, but the old scars are all gone, only new scars...
      xpayah sapu kat jari ...terus apply kat muka je...macam pakai moisturizer je....selamat mencuba... *wink

    2. Okay thanks. Taknak buat new review ke? Nk usha gak pic now. ��thanks again btw.

    3. Haha, i currently dont have any free time to do another review, but actually, my face has no new improvement as my scars faded alot, and alot of people start noticing it ....I hope you don't mind... :)

    4. Yeah no problem. Thanks anyway :)

  8. Hai. Nak tanya. Hiruscar post acne ni boleh menghilangkan jerawat skali tak?

    1. Sana tulis boleh mengurangkan jerawat, tapi untuk saya jerawatnya hilang bila lifestyle berubah, jangan tidur lambat, jangan makan pedas atau benda2 yang mengakibatkan jerawat (you have to test it yourself) for example, kalau hari ini you makan udang, esok pimples pop out, then udang xsesuai utk you. Tapi masa haid (utk perempuan) , pimples mesti pop out, no choice. Haha
      Bagi saya, Hiruscar hanya menghilangkan parutnya je. Selamat mencuba.. :) *wink

  9. Ouh like that ya. But,mmg ketara betul perubahan acne scar awak pakai hiruscar post acne ni kan. Within 4month je hmpir semua parut jerawat da nak hilang.. :). Sy pun ad parut jerawat, tp bkan parut jerawat berlubang.cuma parut jerawat dy jd kemerahan.. Nak try product ni. Hope berkesan untuk sy jgak ..:)

  10. Does hiruscar improve those scarring that are indented ones like rolling scars? Or it can just reduces the hyperpigmentation?
    Thanks :)

    1. Hello, since myself don't have any rolling scars, so i am not sure if that helps. But my skin was not baby smooth or "normal" smooth, not indented but it was a rough surface (light rough) and this tube do helped me in smoothing it out. You may harm... :) *wink

  11. Hello..i very like ur blog.can u post new photos of ur face.? Want to know new improvement of ur face for 2015 after using hiruscar post acne :D

    1. Hello, actually my phone spoiled...i will try to post new picture of myself once i get my phone done... *wink. Thanks for your support.

  12. Hi...can i use the blue and yellow box for acne scar??

    1. Hello there, the blue and yellow box of Hiruscar is for scars like stitches scars, and the blue and white box is for acne scars and dark marks....i would recommend the blue and white box....

  13. Is it also work on deep scar?coz i have deep scar no acne,im afraid it doesnt work on me..i feel ashamed look my scar in my both me pls
    Is this good recommendation for me?be honest pls if for deep scar.
    And which one that i should be use?

    1. As for deep scar, i wonder Hiruscar will do the trick. I myself don't have deep scars, only the shallow ones. If your deep scars are associated with dark patches, you may try to use Hirsucar to lighten up your dark spots.
      For my knowledge, one way to help with deep scars is to go for laser treatment, but mind that this treatment is not for everyone, some of them can't take it. There is another product called dermaroller, where the roller has thousand mini needles and as you roll, it triggers the collagen inside your skin to help reform it. Painful, sometimes it bleeds.
      The other way i know is to exfoliate. To begin, use any mild exfoliatants to exfoliate your dead skin cells. As you exfoliate, your new cells grow, and eventually will be smooth. Please take note to not use the rough sand like exfoliatants on your skin. Its a bad idea.
      So sorry for the late reply, i had some technical issue with the reply section. Good try buddy!

  14. it's amazing to see how much your skin has improved since you started using the Hiruscar gel. i'm happy for you girl!
