Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Hiruscar post acne gel REVIEW~~~

OMG~! i'm so damn excited...~!!! updating my blog once again after like N years...hahhaha...okay..back to the story...i was having a very severe and bad acne scars all over my face that you can hardly find a clear skin space in my face...and i am SERIOUS...and i was so desperately wanted a clear skin like many other pretty girls out there...so i went through net and found this (below..) so i went to nearest pharmacy, bought it and decided to give it a try...
now..be ready..let me show you my face before i start to apply this gel....and ps: i seriously dunno what happened to the picture..it looks more like a sketched picture..but i must admit..my scars was very very bad...btw..although its the picture problem..but i will still show u guys..you know the picture is spoiled when you see my hair is like sketched...check this out..
Before applying HIRUSCAR
Before : it was so reddish..and those scars are so damn deep and the pigmentation is damn high...overall..sucks..

first week after applying Hiruscar
1st week : you can hardly see the improvement here...but those scars did fade slightly...and my skins started to get smoother...
2nd week
2nd week : errm...you can start to see those scars fading off...and its kinda obvious in the 2nd week...that two big pimples near my eyes and my chin is because of *spicy food* and *stay up late at night*..i know what actly caused my pimples...so i changed my lifestyle and my diet..like following it strictly...
3rd week
3rd week : as you can see ..those two big pimples i mentioned earlier is gone...so it shows that the strict rule of my lifestyle and diet was right...hehe..
4th week...
4th week : tada.~~~ as promised..my face look so much different after one month..seriously...IT WORKS...didn't regret of buying this...*wink

you will be able to purchase this product at the nearest pharmacy like Watson or Guardian. You can also purchase in any other private pharmacy...the price for this product will be around RM 20-RM 30...but its a small tube..but if this small tube with this price can make my face look so much better in just a month...its totally worth it...and i am going to keep using it..and even after one month...i still have like a quarter of gel left in the tube...hehe...
this gel is fast absorbing...non sticky and smells good as well...i like the smell..it depends..apply it twice a day..morning and before bed..you can use it 3 times a day too.. but for me, i just use twice a day..more than enough..after cleaning ur face with ur cleanser, pat dry ur skin with towel and apply hiruscar..after applying, you may proceed with ur skincare routine as usual...so that all from me...


any questions or enquiries...you may just leave ur comments below..and i will reply ASAP...good luck!!


  1. oh dear.... I hope the scar is healed by now :(

  2. Finally meet someone who has deep depressed scars like me! Hiruscar's a miracle!

    1. i know right~!! and i used to have a very low self-esteem throughout my severe acne scars life.....you know when sometimes people use that kind of stares....or don't even what to hug, or share food with you...even a close friend of yours...OMG..seriously went through a lot...need a change

  3. Hi sammy! thank goodness that this product actly work for you...so that now, you will be more confident in your appearance..good luck

  4. I enjoy reading your article.. But may i ask the result after week 4?? Are you still using it right now??

    1. Hi..thanks for your support...I am using it right now...because my tiny little naughty pimples are still breaking out due to my "study stress" (Final exam coming soon !!) and they leave scars behind...so Hiruscar really helped me a lot in gaining back my confidence... you can check out my "after week 4" acne scars recovering updates (my latest article of this blog)...you can find it in ur right hand side "BLOG ARCHIVE".....its in 2014 updates...check it out~!! *wink

  5. Your skin is actually much better. I wish you all the best with your treatment and never give up. = D

  6. Do you still using this product? wil this acne prevent from new popup?

  7. i am still using this product Reshviny.....from my experience...it helps alot in fading the dark acne marks....but for breakouts, you have to change ur lifestyle...find out foods that cause your breakouts....or lifestyles like staying up late...some people have breakouts because of sweat etc.....find out urs and prevent from eating or doing something that cause the acne to breakout...you can check out my latest post where i shared some other improved photo.....hope it helps in a way... *wink

    1. thanks for your reply can u do your makeup routine or skin care routine for day and night ???

    2. hello Reshviny...owh yes sure....i will prepare my photos and stuff and i will do my makeup routine soon....the makeup routine you meant was my foundation makeup routine or the normal skin care routine?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Wow. Nice. Can u show me ur routine diet? And btw wht ur face cleansers?

  10. hi Alya....my face cleanser is Hada Labo...i use a set of it....together with its sunblock, eye cream and all....
    routine diet? you mean what i eat to prevent breakout?

    1. Oh great. im using hiruscar but still new. About 2 weeks but nothing happens. its work on u becuz of hada labo? Mybe. Well,, which set? for acne? Never try of it. Hehe. and yup I meant wht u eat and not to eat to control the acne.

    2. Really? maybe you should try to exfoliate your skin twice in a week or once in a week....so that the Hiruscar gel will be absorbed more easily....
      well...hada labo helped me in a way by keeping my face moistured...the normal white set...not the blue set (whitening set)...as its better to prevent using any direct whitening product for acne prone skin...
      Diet to prevent acne...well, it depends....you can use trial and error method to find out urs....jot down what you ate for the day.......and see if there is any breakout the nxt day....if there is, then the food doesn't suits you....i found out that i can't eat spicy food, raw garlic..black pepper, laksa, i can't stay up late...by 11.30pm i should be sleeping soundly....
      as for mensus...its unpreventable....even a makeup artist told me this, she says mensus influences hormone...so no matter what...you will get breakout during ur mensus....so that's exceptional...
      Be strong....as long as you found out ur "acne diet" you will be fine...good luck... *wink

  11. Can 1 tube really last for 1 month? Cos i have scars similar to yours but it's on both cheeks
    .. And the tube seems really small..

    1. the gel is more like a normal moisturizer.....you just have to apply a small amount of the gel on both of ur cheeks and spread it....
      i use the gel for my whole face....but still one tube of it last me for one month....and its really worth a try...

  12. Do u develop any small (like really small) pimples when u started using it cause your skin is getting rid of the dirt and stuff? This happens to me and i'm wondering if it's perfectly normal or it doesn't suit with my skin hehe thanks!

    1. oh yes! i had that small small tiny rashes like pimples....well...i've checked through net...it says that its because your skin is getting use to the product...its like an immune system...and after 2-3 days...it became normal already...but ps: if the rashes like pimples starts to develop more and it continues more than a week...then you should consult a doctor and stop using it.... hope for the best...

  13. i'm truly amazed by the changes. i hate that feeling too when i go out in public and it feels like everybody is staring at my face. i just bought hiruscar today and reading your blog cheered me up because i know there's hope for me in repairing my skin. btw, have u tried bio oil? if you had, is it any good?

    1. I know how you feel~ haha...there is indeed a hope for a good skin..but remember, a healthy lifestyle is also important in improving ur acne...stop consuming anything that make your skin bad the nxt day..regardless of the price...
      i've tried bio oil on my stretched marks...I've even used 3 bottles...but it doesn't seems to work on me....so i gave up....i never tried using bio oil on my face by the way...haha..good try~! *wink

  14. amazing result and i want see new result, we have same problem

    1. Hello Ricki, so sorry for the late reply, i shared my new results in my blog as well, perhaps you can check it out here (http://daughtertheresa.blogspot.my/2014/02/hiruscar-post-acne-gel-review-continue.html). Thanks for the support... *wink

  15. I heard of a brand called Mederma. have you tried it b4?

    1. I heard of that brand before too, but i did not try it. It just happened that i tried Hiruscar post-acne gel and it works on me, so i might as well stick to this product. You can give it a try on Mederma if you wish.

  16. It really works even on me. Thanks
