Wednesday, April 22, 2009

this vid shows how an indonesia maid abuse the child.....the child is oni around 2-4 years old..can u see how she stepped on her?? i got dis video in my hp...and i showed to every1 who i care....and after they watched dis vid, their expression were like******* and the entire bad words in the planet came out from their mouth.....

the child's parents started to smelt a rat when they saw loads of wound on her child's, they place the CCTV in a hidden place and this is wat they saw....they reported to the police....but b4 they send the indon to the police.....they canned her until she you agree in wat they did to her?? or u have a better idea?? leave comments....

yes, i agree that indonesian can really do works, but it is dangerous in letting them to take care of ur children....they didn't give birth to ur children...they dunno the love....they DON'T even have the love aniway....

i asked my aunt....y does this kind of cases happen??she answered me viciously, :"of course la..!!! one person doing the entire chores in the u wan the indon to be in a calm and good mood always??" wat she said is a very true fact......

so dun trust ALL those indonesian and bangladesh and any other outsiders.....u can trust just sum of them...SOME of them....!!!! bear in mind plz....

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