Wednesday, January 2, 2013

ke KLMU..~~ ^^

just like how we went for the PWTC, once again, smk seri setia had a trip to KLMU...for sure, we enjoyed as we usually do...hehe..^^, i took some pictures, as you know, i like to take unnecessary pictures..hehex..^^, so without hesitating, lets start explore..~~~~
this is in the bus...i took this picture at the place where i'm sitting...and therefore, this is my front view...

my side view....the television is there, but not functioning...haiz..==', disappointed..

the back view..whatever..

so this is our breakfast...malaysian's favourite...NASI LEMAK..memang lemak...hehex..^^

friend eating...~~ or you should say, enjoying...

had a the place "wherever" we call it...

my friend brought this..

she gave me this...yum yum..the chocolate will be just flowing like water..gosh..all of it made up from chocolate..can you ever imagine that..??

while waiting for the bus to open the door..
i think this is what the place call...
after a long long we are..KLMU..

physiotherapy room..
this sister explained a very simple way..gud..^^
he is a damn gud artis...
saw this guy was doing something..
he is doing something, seriously..
is this what he did?? OMG, unbelievable..
after visiting, came out, but it was hot, so went here..hehe..^^ clever right??
yippy yeah...going to planitanium..

wait..wait..mum mum first..hehex..
after mum mum..going to get in planitanium..
all of us gathered at the canteen and that's the counseler who briefed us about KLMU..but overall, nothing get into our^^

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