Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Hiruscar post acne gel REVIEW~~~

OMG~! i'm so damn excited...~!!! updating my blog once again after like N years...hahhaha...okay..back to the story...i was having a very severe and bad acne scars all over my face that you can hardly find a clear skin space in my face...and i am SERIOUS...and i was so desperately wanted a clear skin like many other pretty girls out there...so i went through net and found this (below..) so i went to nearest pharmacy, bought it and decided to give it a try...
now..be ready..let me show you my face before i start to apply this gel....and ps: i seriously dunno what happened to the picture..it looks more like a sketched picture..but i must admit..my scars was very very bad...btw..although its the picture problem..but i will still show u guys..you know the picture is spoiled when you see my hair is like sketched...check this out..
Before applying HIRUSCAR
Before : it was so reddish..and those scars are so damn deep and the pigmentation is damn high...overall..sucks..

first week after applying Hiruscar
1st week : you can hardly see the improvement here...but those scars did fade slightly...and my skins started to get smoother...
2nd week
2nd week : errm...you can start to see those scars fading off...and its kinda obvious in the 2nd week...that two big pimples near my eyes and my chin is because of *spicy food* and *stay up late at night*..i know what actly caused my pimples...so i changed my lifestyle and my diet..like following it strictly...
3rd week
3rd week : as you can see ..those two big pimples i mentioned earlier is gone...so it shows that the strict rule of my lifestyle and diet was right...hehe..
4th week...
4th week : tada.~~~ as promised..my face look so much different after one month..seriously...IT WORKS...didn't regret of buying this...*wink

you will be able to purchase this product at the nearest pharmacy like Watson or Guardian. You can also purchase in any other private pharmacy...the price for this product will be around RM 20-RM 30...but its a small tube..but if this small tube with this price can make my face look so much better in just a month...its totally worth it...and i am going to keep using it..and even after one month...i still have like a quarter of gel left in the tube...hehe...
this gel is fast absorbing...non sticky and smells good as well...i like the smell..it depends..apply it twice a day..morning and before bed..you can use it 3 times a day too.. but for me, i just use twice a day..more than enough..after cleaning ur face with ur cleanser, pat dry ur skin with towel and apply hiruscar..after applying, you may proceed with ur skincare routine as usual...so that all from me...


any questions or enquiries...you may just leave ur comments below..and i will reply ASAP...good luck!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

ke KLMU..~~ ^^

just like how we went for the PWTC, once again, smk seri setia had a trip to KLMU...for sure, we enjoyed as we usually do...hehe..^^, i took some pictures, as you know, i like to take unnecessary pictures..hehex..^^, so without hesitating, lets start explore..~~~~
this is in the bus...i took this picture at the place where i'm sitting...and therefore, this is my front view...

my side view....the television is there, but not functioning...haiz..==', disappointed..

the back view..whatever..

so this is our breakfast...malaysian's favourite...NASI LEMAK..memang lemak...hehex..^^

friend eating...~~ or you should say, enjoying...

had a break...at the place "wherever" we call it...

my friend brought this..

she gave me this...yum yum..the chocolate will be just flowing like water..gosh..all of it made up from chocolate..can you ever imagine that..??

while waiting for the bus to open the door..
i think this is what the place call...
after a long long journey..here we are..KLMU..

physiotherapy room..
this sister explained everything...in a very simple way..gud..^^
he is a damn gud artis...
saw this guy was doing something..
he is doing something, seriously..
is this what he did?? OMG, unbelievable..
after visiting, came out, but it was hot, so went here..hehe..^^ clever right??
yippy yeah...going to planitanium..

wait..wait..mum mum first..hehex..
after mum mum..going to get in planitanium..
oopss..too late..run!!!!

2nd day of 2013

happy new year 2013 everyone....hope you guys did enjoyed the countdown...today is the 2nd of January, where everyone else will say " the second page of 365 days" its kinda rainy...
ok, ignore the weird look of mine..haha...
err..wat should i say...finished my stpm exam like long time ago...and nw currently searching for a part time job...some of my friend recommended me to work as a waiter in Dragon -I in 1Utama. Accommodation and food is covered..its a package..but one thing, they need the waiters to wear skirt without leggings...black leggings...but you know, i have some rashes on my skin...especially its more obvious in ma legs...and furthermore, its a restaurant, i should look cleaner..i can't be wearing those skirt and serving, it not only spoil my reputation, it also ruin the restaurants reputation...so i dun think i am going to work there...although it has a very good package..so , if she really called me, i am going to say that i found a better work.....

but in other way, my cousin, who is she, in the picture introduced me some work too...in Genting, you can either work as a waiter, hotel lobby reception, casino worker or many others...so she asked me to go up to Genting on saturday and get an interview..who knows..you might get a post...no matter what, wat you need is money...just get your ass in and start working! haha..wateva..i am going! she became so fair, so thin and prettier after working there for around 3 months...

after coming back from shopping center today, my aunt gave me a lecture on how i look..haiz...she says i have to get thinner...cuz now i look like a fatty Garfield..yes..i agree..i do look like that..especially after i take my lunch..she said that i don't take good care of my skin..i have pimples and i have rashes..haiz..i do i do...but what to do? i don't wish it to happen anyway...nevermind...she told me, i can get better...slim..there are so many ways for you to slim down...pretty, there are products that you can cure ur pimples...so i gain some confident and motivated...i am going to be the best version of me..(actly i started my lose weight journey like a month ago, i did reduced a bit of weight...but its not enough!)way to go buddy!!

today is the first day of school...i wonder how they feel...excited of meeting the friends again? or depressed of meeting the homeworks and classes and teachers again?  haha...! if me i will say, besides of those annyoing homework and classes...joking and hanging around with friends are the best moment to have..!! don't ever miss to enjoy those moments...when it comes to work, u will feel the excitement of that typical "school"...it doesn't mean i want to go to school back..!! if you give me the second chance..i dowan to go to school...i prefer going somewhere out there and enjoy with my friends...school friends..haha..!! which i did right after my spm...here are some pictures of us spending precious moment together in Sunway Lagoon..
so lets see what will happen after few days...whether i am going to genting for work, or i am going back to my hometown and work something different...or (watelse)? will update soon....till then..