Monday, March 8, 2010

2010 last year for me to experience 'school sports day'...

2010....(form 5) haiz...feeling excited and sad at the same time....
 pasukan kawad wearing gloves macam mahu operation je..!! hehe..^^ uniform!! only...later you see..!! semua kelam-kabut..wakakka...=P

now, let's see KRS...this malay boy, is our KRS leader to be...i guess..!! anyway, 'jia you', you are the one should lead them after our batch...good luck..^^

 preparing, preparing...!! bathsheba..!! my friend helping juniors ..!!!!!
SohMui..hehe..^^ pemegang papan tanda..!! she did that board..!! good job and thanks for your hardwork..!! appreciate that..!!, here comes the ahli rumah sukan ... thennaven(tall) sorry if wrongly spelled...thanesh (right)..haha..!!! cute..
rumah perkasa..!!
rumah waja..!!
rumah jaguh..hehe..shima..!!my friend... rumah..rumah wira..!!
now lets go into those perbarisan team...
this is waja's team...

now this is my wira perbarisan team...

hero for WIRA..!! peace..!!

puteri islam..pinkish..
my friends...divya in pink...and sonia in reddish white..!! and of course...ckg Aniah, our form 2 and form 4 mo maths teacher..!! love you teacher..!! muax..!

after kawad kaki..all 'bang' tired...some of them cramped their legs..!! =='
my good assistant...chech wah assistant..!!haha..!! its my junior, cute little'adah...~~
alright, now let me introduce SOME of our school do you spell "athelics"??

ehem ehem...he is our school best runner..!! sallahuddin..just call him salah "wrong" hahahaha..joking okay..??

he is a runner also...but not to say very good..hehe..sorry..just telling the truth..!! of course you are a better runner if compare to me ..!!

he is Murugan..a good runner too..!!
he is this the way to spell his name?? not very sure..!! admire him very much..!! ^^

he is Sallehuddin...just now was Sallah, this one is Salleh...okay, sweet boy..or should say guy..

ke garisan, sedia...'pom'!! lari lari, wira wira..!!!!

wira cepat wira cepat..!!!

silat show..!!
i like to watch...because got handsome guy there..!! keke...^^ shhhh...don't tell anyone tau..!!

student teacher's turn..!!! never in the world i thought that they can actually run..!!!

2009 ex-student..!! on your right...he used to be a KRS leader..!! a strict and dedicated leader...he even came to school just to teach the new student to kawad..!!! great..!!and on your left, tuuuuuuuuuu..!! don't know what to tell about him..
jaguh team...ready for tarik tali..!!! rope pulling..

waja team..!!! warm up..!! keke..!
wira team..massage again..!!!
i really have no idea what they call this...
wuu, yeah..!!!

that is our samsiah...ready...??go..!!
yesh, pull pull..!!
aaaiik..!! apasal pulak nie..??
oh...rope putus...!!! wakakka..!!
aish, cramp lagi si..!!
look at our ex-student..!!
alright, almost done..!! my sweet friends...dian and dayah..
the results...wira the second..
gathered for closing ceremony..!!
and the winner....waja..!!! haiz..!!
makan pizza xbagi saya..!!! hergh..!!
haha..pradeep sir..!!
chandran sir...
rafaie..!! silat..remember what i said just now..?? hehe..
say peace and that's the end of the story..!! i am not going to experience that again..!!! will be missing that moment..!!!please don't forget to leave comments..!!


  1. haha...again...gud job...n my pic...ok ke..?...rasa mcm sumthing wrong je...niway...overall...ok...oh ya..1 more thing....its rafaei...nt..rafaie...dah 5 thn kenal dia....tapi xtau spell nama dia...hahaha....=P.....4m ur sweet gf...divya!!

  2. i know i spelled it wrongly, and i told him about this, he said it is doesnt matter, he doesnt really cares ok..!!! kanasai...!!! =P
    and what you mean by something wrong?? what is wrong??

  3. haha....hmm...sumthing wrong means....ok x pic itu....cantik x..?...ok je kan....first tyme wearing baju kurung.....u'll feel really hot la....kalau pakai baju kurung....haizz...

  4. tau pun..!!! chinese will try to wear as less as they can, idea la...and malay will try to cover as much as they can..!!! haiz..!! don't know la..!!
    the picture is just fine la girl..!! you look cute in that..!!

  5. haha....okie...^_^
