Friday, March 26, 2010

one day trip 2 KL..!!! PWTC is the main we come..!!!

these are the A-Z of what we did .....let's go..~~
it's 6.47 am in the morning...all of us are inside the sorry couldn't snap the picture clearly..because the bus was moving at that time...^^
inside the bus..~~
here are my friends...~~
nalina sunthri..~~the smallest but the eldest among us...
divya durga sharma....she sits besides me inside the bus..
sonia dhiya, nalina and bathsheba..sorry guys pictures are not so clear because of the darkness inside the bus....romantic kot..~~ keke..^^
salleh..our school head prefect..!!
ashwin varma....our ex- school prefect..

yesh, it's mum mum time..~~~
eating eating..~~
this is the place..
ish ish ish..macam budak kecik..!! haha..actually i played too..!! so long didn't play already...
this is the bus that we ride on...nice right the drawing??
travel with!!
bye bye mum mum..i will miss you..!!
beautiful right?? nasib baik sempat snap...
its me and divya..!!
aiik, lepas makan je tido..!! apsal nie..? keke~~ sonia ...sonia..
the brother also like that....~~
finally arrived after a long long journey..
whatever we call this...
this is the place where i met my birthday pal....iwin..
my friend...hardianti..
aaikk...apsal dgn kome nie..??
sprots car..
this is at the dataran merdeka....but i seriously don't  know what is this..
on the way to the LRT station..yiippy yeah...!! friend too..!!
here we come LRT...
haha..first time going..semua kelam kabut..!!
nice 1..
at the station..the LRT is damn fast...
inside the is damn similar to roller coaster..can easily experience the inertia...
when came out from the LRT...semua pening...expecially for the first rider..
going to KLCC..
finally sampai...
when i arrived there, there are alot of things for me to snap...but unfortunately, the guard said, so sorry , you cannot take any picture inside here....then i was like whatever..and snapped it without his acknowledge..
so pinkish...and inside was all teddies..omg..!!
mum mum again..!! yesh..
our lunch..
can you see the hand holding the chair?? its happy that we took lunch with him..
shop shop..
whenever you touch the screen...there will be alot of starts around your hand..!! very nice..!!
like the design..
keke..inside the toilet again...
oh my god, really cannot stand it.!!
i like the small litte dummy wearing gaun..
outside the KLCC...
nice nah..??good snap...
thought want to feel the water...but the guard holding the whistle, whistling and ask us to go's too embarassing man..!!
the twin tower..!!
my sit number..!!
on the way to PWTC...full house..mmg full..
hah, sampai pun, crowded..
inside the PWTC..
this is the last destination that we went...after that bye bye..~~~
we stopped at the food court...and snapped some pictures...
posing je...xde beli..hahax..!!