Saturday, December 16, 2017

Epiduo & CeraVe (The masterpiece for acne free skin)

I am very sure that my readers are well informed about my previous acne face and how terrible it was. For those who are new, please click here to visit the page.

Apparently I failed at keeping up with my diets. Its hard to NOT eat spicy food for people who can't live without spices. Together with all the stress and staying up late(s) , my breakout continues. Fortunately, it was not as bad as my previous acne face. My breakouts were minor, but it still leaves dark marks behind.

It was when my mom told me something she found on my face that actually made me feel anxious. To my surprise, there are some dark spots around my eyes area which look and feel like blackheads but can't get rid off using any sort of blackhead removers. Click here to see how I even tried using activated charcoal to get rid of my blackheads but yield no results.

Without further ado, I made an appointment to see a dermatologist in Ipoh, Malaysia to help me with my problems. Here are my pictures before the appointment.

Those blackheads like spots are mostly situated around my eyes
The doctor told me that those people with high pigmentation will face these problems very often. It is not harmful, but obviously its not nice and I want to get rid of it la...
So I was suggested to do a CO2 laser to remove those spots. 
The nurse applied Anesthetics on my face to numb it. I was left like this for an hour before the procedure begins. I was very scared and nervous because i was told that I will feel a sting during the laser and it terrified me. Well, to be honest, i didn't feel anything at all, i only smell something burnt. I guess that's my skin 
This is me immediately after the procedure, you can see a few holes on my face with a minor bleeding. I can only feel the sting after 10 mins after the laser . it was bearable. 

So during the procedure, the doctor told me that she was unhappy with the breakouts on my face, so she gave me Epiduo gel and ask me to apply it every night before i sleep. She told me that Epiduo is the gel that reduces or even prevents my breakouts . Only when the gel does not work that she will prescribe oral medication for me . So i listened to her and tried Epiduo. 

Epiduo Gel
This gel has two active ingredients, adapalene and benzoyl peroxide, both of which are medicines used to treat acne. 
Adapalene is a form of Vitamin A , which really caught my attention because i have been researching about Vitamin A. What Adapalene does is that they unblock pores and sebaceous glands by reducing the growth of keratin on the surface of the skin. It also helps the skin to turnover. Therefore reduces acne and blackheads.

Benzoyl peroxide on the other hand breaks and shed the top layer of the skin. Having an antibacterial function, it kills any bacteria on the skin that feeds acne, and now you know why I said it is good. 

Not only this Gel, my dermo also recommended me to use CeraVe face wash instead of Hada Labo. She told me that Hada Labo is fine because it contains hyaluranic acids which moisture the skin, but CeraVe is better. So i gave it a try. SAY WHAT!! I AM SO IMPRESSED!!

 CeraVe is soapless, it does not have any bubbles or foams. At first, i was not use to the foamless facewash, but after a few wash, i finally know the trick. As long as the silkiness is there, it means the facewash is there. So i will rinse my face till I don't feel the silkiness anymore. 
So i did a small research on this product. It is even found on, a website that reviews all sorts of products from head to toe, kitchen to bedroom. This product was reviewed as the best drugstore facial cleanser. Click on the link and read why it was considered to be the best facial cleanser.

Let me show you my face after a week or two. 

Sooo smooothhhh ~~ , soft to touch, soft to see.
My dark spots are dealed by laser, my skin is so much softer and my breakouts are tremendously reduced.  Highly recommend CeraVe facial cleanser, but as for Epiduo, please patch test first before using, it is not meant for everyone. 

Please don't be confused between Hiruscar and Epiduo. Hiruscar is to reduce acne marks, while Epiduo is to prevent or reduce more breakouts. CeraVe on the other hand cleanse your face in the best way. 

I will continue to update all of you with my progress in my next post. HAPPY TRYING EVERYONE!! Do let me know your experience.