Thursday, June 9, 2016


Too scared to use any commercial products? Couldn't find a suitable commercial products for your face, but those acne scars are torturing you? Try this.

Yogurt Honey Oat Mask
Making reference to the title above, this mask only uses 3 natural ingredients, but the result? Beyond Incredible. It will never fail to impress you for how amazing your face will look in just one month time. 
  I've applied this mask everyday for one year. Yes, EVERYDAY. You may wonder if it is risky and harmful to apply it everyday into our skin. Well, research in Google suggest mask (of any type) is only recommended to apply twice a week. But on the other hand, the same resource suggest that it is absolutely fine to apply a natural based mask everyday.
  Personally, i chose to follow the second suggestion. The rationale is that although some of the natural ingredient may contain chemicals like preservatives or food conditioners, so long as its safe to consume, then its safer to apply directly to our skin everyday. Assimilate it to taking vitamins everyday.
  I've been applying this mask continuously for one month, and the result really gave me a gasp and i couldn't stop starring at my reflection behind the mirror. Could my face get any smoother? I ask. The acne scars are gone, the skin is smoother, and hydration restored. Of course, it took me one whole month to see a slight change. Why one whole month? Because it is natural. The change is not obvious for the first few weeks. (note: you will feel the difference by touching, but as for visual effect, it takes time).

Function of the ingredients.
 Oats : Main function is to absorb and remove excess oil and bacteria from your skin and exfoliate dead skin cells, thus helping to combat acne.

Honey : Main function is to moisturize the skin and treat inflammation.

Yogurt : It contains natural anti - bacterial and anti - fungal properties. Main function is to reduce irritating breakouts.

Steps to do mask.

This will be by-product.
Step 1 : Grind ground oats using a blender or food processors into powder form.
You can grind a large amount oats and keep it in a container so that you don't have to grind it every single time.

Step 2 : Prepare a small bowl, and fill in with a right amount of oat powder. You will know what is the right amount after some time.

 Step 3: Add a small amout of 
yogurt and mix until you get the consistency like on the right picture. Note that you should not add too much of yogurt because adding honey afterward will render the paste too watery and it will not sit on the skin.
 Step 4 : Add a small amount of honey and mix. The consistency should look like on the right.

Step 5 : Apply the paste on a clean dry face for 30 minutes and let it absorb onto your skin.
Mind that applying the paste might get a little messy, so it is preferable to do it near the sink. Caution with the hair also.

 Step 6 : after 30 minutes, the paste will be harden and dry, just like the picture on the right. Now you can wash your face. It is very difficult to wash it away with only hand and water. I suggest to wash it using a wet damp cloth. As you wipe it away using a wet cloth, the friction is also helping you to exfoliate your skin.

Tada! This is the end result. Feel the difference. At this point, use your favorite moisturizer to lock the moisture.

Side Note.
  1.  I understand that I've mentioned about the usage of Hiruscar to remove my acne scars, but i too found another cost saving and lower risk alternative to fade my acne scars. So i stopped using Hiruscar for a little while and start applying the mask for one whole year. It definitely did not disappoint me. 
  2.  I have a friend who is sensitive towards Honey. She tried applying honey onto one small part of her face and she got allergies. You can try different type of honey to see if you are allergy towards it. Sometimes it is just about the type of honey you are allergy to. I hereby disclaim any responsibilities towards any sort of negative result.
  3. I will try my best to upload and submit my progress on my blog but it will take some time because it takes up to few weeks to track the progress.
  4. I'm extremely sorry if you did not get any reply from me in this blog. I am not so sure what is wrong in the system, but my replies to your comments and questions are not appearing even after a few try. I will sort this out. 
Happy Trying Everyone! Drop your comments and questions below and share your successful stories to inspire others.