Friday, September 16, 2011

here in form 6 life...

alahai..kenapa form 6?? everybody have been asking me the same question... OK..let me first..because of the financial problem i'm facing now..i'm not able to pay that lump sum of money to study in college or i choose form 6..
  before i start my form 6 life, my thought of form 6 was hectic life..pressure..hard and "no expectation of good result", and i was kinda worry + scare to enter form 6 life...but after entering and went through few classes..i realized, form 6 = not bad..~!! haha...not to say it is easy..but it can be categorized as "not bad"...and I've surfed the net on how to get good result in STPM...and the answer is "study hard hard hard and harder" = =' .
  now, i'm in lower six in September..i can say..i have more holiday compare to my friends who are studying in college currently, i spend more time at home compare to those who are studying in college....and the most lucky thing i felt was...i can go to tuition class..but my friends in college can' offence here...hehe..just for your kind information..and what can i say about form 6??
  few tests, few quizzes and few slide show presentation is past...and what i can say is...nothing is impossible...the most important thing in studying form 6 is , you have to really really understand the subjects you are studying...and study hard here doesn't mean holding the book and merely reading have to understand it..~!! understand the thing that you don't understand..ask teacher...ask friends , make a study group..or go to library if you need a more silent place to concentrate...
  in my school, there are special block for form 6 students..and as you can see...we are treated more or less like college student, just that we have to wear uniform to school and follow the school rules...about my friends..all are doubt on that...but for me..don't pay too much attention on them...because you have to pay your attention more on your study...friends can't save your result...~!! i'm not telling that you have to ignore your friends, you can enjoy with can have fun with them...but don't forget your study..
  i have a friend who quit from matriculation and enter form 6....everyone says that he is crazy...but after listening what he told me , i agreed...matriculation study only certain topics...but STPM study all of it...matrix test on only those few topics..and they test it in semester way..that means, they study few topics and have a test on it...after the test..they can close the book and proceed to the next topic...but STPM, you have to remember everything in your mind, and sit for the exam which include ALL the topics...that is why everyone says STPM is hard...but if you realize, STPM is recognize globally compare to matriculation...especially SINGAPORE government which strongly support STPM...i even surfed net and found someone telling this..

"And i personally feel that there's nothing great about being in Malaysian Matrics at all for the fact that UNLIKE STPM, it is NOT recognized in other foreign and most private institution (correct me if i am wrong regarding the private institution part) and anyone who went through IPTA (one of them will be me) knows for a fact that being in Matrics means you will be severely handicapped when you are in uni, when you are competing with the STPM-ers."

  so BE PROUD..~!! and what i'm going to do is, i will give my damn best in studying for STPM...good luck for me..pray for me guys..~!! ^^ *wink